Sunday, February 14, 2010

Poo Poo Paper

Today, I took my dog Maximus to Santana Row to walk around and meet up with some friends. My friends and I stopped by the Japanese stationary store, MaiDo, which I must say, has some pretty cool things! They have a lot of cute Japanese character import items in the form of pens, pencils, and...

paper. poo poo paper in particular caught my eye (maybe because there was like this giant POO SOLD HERE tag in the display haha)

Poo poo whaaaat?!?! yes. poo poo paper. Maybe this is an old fad, but I've never heard of it before.

The particular poo poo paper I saw at MaiDo is paper made from 100% recycled elephant poo. We opened the sample notebook and you can see the different grains and stringy fibers that were once consumed by an elephant and exited through its rear end. I have to admit. I touched it. Gross. ...and might have smelled it...

Of course, after I came home, the first thing I did was google this unusual thing! Apparently paper isn't limited to elephant poo and is also commonly made from cow poo, horse poo, sheep poo, and panda poo!

I looked up the process, and the diet that these animals eat produce grainy fibrous materials that are great for making paper! They collect the poo, then rinse it until they are left with only the fibers from the grains and bamboo, then they BOIL the fibers in boiling water. ONLY boiling water!! No chemicals like bleach... just boiling water! I guess its a very green process.

I read some reviews, and apparently it makes paper, but its not good to write on. I imagine its like how recycled paper isn't as nice to write on as normal paper. Its expensive too! I checked a site and they sell a small notebook of 71 pages for $8.00! Seems kind of steep, when you can get like a full sized notebook of 100 pages for like less than $1! Would you pay the premium for paper made of poo? The poo paper makers must be rolling in money! Doesn't seem like poo is hard to come by, or very expensive...

Speaking of poo, Max pooped in the middle of a crosswalk in Santana Row. I went to go pick up the poo, but a car drove by and smooshed like one of the logs! I could only pick up 2-3 bits... so embarrassing! I feel bad for leaving the smooshed smear in the middle of the crosswalk. I left the area soon after. haha >.<

Happy Valentine's Day <3 and Happy Chinese New Year! :)

OMG I just realized, I wrote the last entry about Valentine's Day last week, when I had that conversation with Danny and I set it to post exactly on Valentine's Day. How interesting that the highlights of my day today ended up also revolving around poo....


Jas on February 14, 2010 at 11:43 PM said...

haha, happy poo day!

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