Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Girls. Drama, Boo.

Mean what you say and say what you mean. PERIOD. Why do we insist on being polite instead of saying the truth? Why cant girls say what we are really thinking instead of saying what others want to hear? You would think amongst the closest of girlfriends, the honest truth would be heard. Apparently I am mistaken. I understand etiquette is key with strangers and acquaintances, but if you're a true friend, be real. Say whats really on your mind. If a question is asked, don't say what you think I want to hear. I might not agree with what you're saying or even like it, but I will respect you a whole lot more. I know I have my faults, so TELL ME. If something bothers you, TELL ME. Don't let it fester. This is what grinds my gears. Boo girls.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama Paper Dolls

So the last time I was in DC, which was a couple years ago, they were remodeling the Smithsonian American History museum. I was so excited to go during my trip this time! There were a few interesting things I saw that I have to talk about. I would definitely recommend going to the Smithsonians if you are ever in DC. I feel like I'm in grade school again learning about history and science... and it might have been boring to me then, but I really appreciate it now that I'm older.

Did you know... that this was not the first Washington monument?

This was the original statue of Washington...! Apparently it was completed in 1841, and many people thought this 12 ton marble statue of Washington was inappropriately dressed... any thoughts on which one is better?

Did you know... Abraham Lincoln had giant hands? I can't imagine shaking a hand that big; his hand would eat my hand.

The thing that captured my interest the most at the museum was the gem I found in the gift shop! On sale for $4.99, I had to get it!!

I think the contents of the pages inside can speak for themselves of why it intrigued me so much. I mean, this is our PRESIDENT!! and the first page has him half naked!!

You can even dress up Michelle Obama and the first daughters! At least they didn't draw them half naked too...

... Michelle's wedding dress...

Barack as a cowboy...? Apparently he really dressed like this in TX. This book is full of interesting facts on the first family's wardrobe!

I can't believe I found this at the Smithsonian!! Paper dolls of the Obama family... with drawings of a half naked president in his like underwear! I don't know why this shocks me so much. I find it so awesome. One day this will be worth something haha

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

U Street

I felt I had to give Ben's Chili Bowl/ Ben's Next Door their own post, so I will be continuing the night in U Street in DC now...

We found this little bar on U Street, so of course we had to go in!

Momo's is like a sports bar with 3 stories I think? We only made it to the 2nd story, and it was pretty small, but I don't know what the other stories are like. They had these cool tshirts that said something like Get sloshed at Momo's or something. We had like a couple shots of SoCo and Lime here and just moved on... it was kind of dead; I guess it wasn't a game day.

Then, we went to Saint-Ex, this bar on a corner... and apparently it has a plane theme... I think Saint-Ex was a plane or something? It was pretty cool, they had a bar in the middle when you walk in, and there's a basement bar and dance floor too. Lani and I were fascinated by this on bottle on the wall...

Its kind of hard to tell, but it says Ed Phillips & Sons Prairie Organic - from the Heartlands of Minnesota. I don't know about you, but this was fascinating to us!

1. It's an organic vodka
2. There's lemongrass in the middle and hot peppers on the bottom
3. From the Heartlands of Minnesota?!

We found out later from the bartender that they infused the vodka themselves by putting the lemongrass and jalapeno peppers in. He gave us a taste, and we liked it! He kept saying how spicy it was and how he didn't know what to do with it because it was too spicy. Lani and I both thought it was good! There was a nice heat at the end. The bartender made us a cocktail with it, by adding agave and lime, so it was sweet going down, but there was a lingering heat at the end. We helped them deliberate names for the drink... such as Sweet Heat, Sweet as Hell, etc. Can't wait to go back and see what they ended up naming it :) Also, I now want to try to infuse my Kirkland Vodka!

One of the best things about DC is that there's always some greasy food open late, for after-drinking-binge-eating. We hit up Yum's Chinese Fast food that also makes like Fried Chicken and burgers, subs, etc. Weird? Yes. Yum? Yes.

I would normally avoid these ghetto looking chinese food places, but everyone talks about the mambo sauce and how bomb it is. So, of course, I had to check it out for myself. Lani and I got an order of chow mein and fried chicken (because mambo sauce only comes with the fried stuff I believe).

The chow mein noodles were ok... basic ghetto chinese chow mein, but I couldn't stop eating them!! The noodles were overcooked and not that seasoned, but it was greasy goodness. What made it even better is I added some of the mambo sauce over it...then it was a whole new world!

The fried chicken is like fried chicken you would get like in the south. Its crispy and super oily. See the greasy paper? It was good, but better with mambo sauce! So what is mambo sauce? It tastes kind of like watered down sweet and sour sauce... which I honestly was not impressed with, but there's just something about it. I just couldnt stop putting it over everything, and I don't know why!! I didn't even like it that much, but somehow things were better with it... there has to be crack in it or something.

Yum's has a few chain restaurants around DC, so you can't miss it. Its like an institution. Everyone knows about the mambo sauce! I don't know if I would like it as much if I ate BEFORE drinking, but it is damn satisfying AFTER!

Ben's Next Door

So, I recently came back from a weeklong trip out to the East Coast. I went to DC --> NYC --> Baltimore. Omg I ate so much! It was great to see old friends out there again and eat all the stuff that I missed and do the things I didn't get to do last time. So, in the next couple of posts, I will be writing about various points of my trip.

So, to begin, let's start in DC where my trip began. I took a redeye flight out on a Monday night and arrived on Tuesday morning. I actually didn't take Tuesday - Thursday off of work, so I had planned on working while I was out there. I figured that there was a 3 hour time difference, so I could do things in the morning and by the time I got back from my activities, it would be the start of my workday on the west coast. :)

So, the first night, my friend Lani and I hit up U Street. It's a strip of bars and restaurant on, you guessed it, U Street. We walked up and down the street to check out what bars were there and which ones have the best happy hours. I just have to say, DC has some of the best happy hours and nightlife ever. Well, I come from San Jose, so I don't know if that says much. haha

Our first stop was Ben's Chili Bowl! Apparently its Obama's favorite, and I can see why!

We actually didn't go to Ben's Chili Bowl, but they opened up a bar/restaurant next door called Ben's Next Door which is a little more upscale, but you can still order items off of the menu from Ben's Chili Bowl there. Man, I totally pigged out there. The waitress even gave us 2 asian girls the up and down look, indicating she was skeptical we could eat all that we ordered. Lani and I each ordered the Half smoke with chili cheese and shared an order of Chili cheese fries and hot wings. Man oh man, it was awesome. Even awesomer because we were there for happy hour and each item was like $5. And, the experience was even MORE awesome because during happy hour, beer on tap is $3! So, I had a purple haze and a newcastle with my meal. yum!

The half smoke is like a polish sausage... big and juicy! The bun was kind of whatever... nothing special, actually kind of dry... but seriously, you can't go wrong with anything covered in chili cheese! I just wanted to eat that chili cheese forever.

The chili cheese fries were good... but again, you can't go wrong with chili cheese! There's just something about their chili... its just plain good. I can't put my finger on it.... but i just know I wanted more of it! Behind the chili cheese fries were the chicken wings... and surprisingly, they were good! They had a nice spice and they came with a blue cheese dipping sauce. Normally I'm not a big fan of blue cheese, but dang, this was good. We were sooo full! Next time I go to DC, I will definitely be hitting up Ben's Next Door again... its nicer inside and they have the alcohol! :)

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