Sunday, September 20, 2009

Shopping in the late 20's

Today I went to the local Art & Wine Festival. I drank some wine.. walked around, and went into this boutique-y clothing store. Under dangerous alcohol influence, I almost spontaneously purchased this cute coat..
But my cheapness kicked in and I decided not to dish out $120 for this. I take pride in being a smart online shopper, so I took a mental note on the brand of the coat and came home on a mission to buy it for cheaper.

The brand of the coat is Tulle, never heard of it. Do you like it? Anyways, here's how I ended up buying it for $80,which I am very satisfied with..
  1. googled "tulle coat"
  2. found the brand site at -- here I learned the name of coat is "double face scallop coat" and sold for full price $123
  3. re-googled "tulle double face scallop", found the coat for sale at a couple othersites -, ebay, and
  4. being that this coat is new for fall 2009, i didn't find this on sale, so next i looked for a site coupon
  5. googled for "fredflare coupon" and lead me to page; found a coupon for 35% off
  6. tested out the coupon, worked, free shipping, bought! :)
In case you like it too... the coat can be found at and coupon code is "lucky4"

Point of the story is... you can most likely get it for cheaper and google is your best friend. The above steps took me like, 10 minutes. You can spare 10 min for $40 in savings. Try it out...

Switching gears now.... shopping in the late 20's. I am almost 27 now, and I still find myself attracted to junior clothing! How many of you other late 20 ladies still shop at forever21? I want to say "forever 21 isn't that bad", but in the end, it's a junior store, and I'm not a junior. Luckily, I think I still look pretty young, so I get away with shopping at forever21, but when I'm in there and I see old ladies, like grandma status, shopping for themselves.. I shudder and hope that I don't end up like them. And you know they're shopping for themselves because they're already wearing something stretchy but still 2 sizes too small, with gold rhinestone embellishment, and some kind of open-toe wedge shoe.. going through the racks for other similar tacky clothing.

Please share where you'd recommend a late 20's girl to shop.

Monday, September 14, 2009


i love Lady Gaga. i love her music and how she's so unique... but she was quite special/memorable at the VMA's... (keep in mind these are all from the same night!)
must've been so fun dressing up in outrageous costumes! she's so fierce, but the red one is going to give me nightmares...
in chronological order...

p.s. can't believe they let russell brand host the VMA's again... but i guess his unfunny jokes were nothing compared to kanye's douchebaggery.

Uber Umbrella

watch out for these dangerous umbrellas! have a 2 ft gap that you need to walk across? put this umbrella over the gap and walk over!! have a watermelon and no knife...? no worries! this umbrella can do it all!

pretty awesome umbrella... seems like it would last forever and save lives. but then again, it could also be used against you. a mugger can totally walk up to you in this umbrella and threaten to smack u with it... scary. UNLESS everyone gets one of these umbrellas and when a mugger tries to pull something on you, you can pull out your umbrella and have a swordfight!

The Tower Burger

If Adam Richman ever takes his show internationally... he should go here! This guy tries the Tower Burger at Monster Cafe. Man, I can't believe this guy ate the whole thing... or it seems like he did. Actually, now that I think about it, the Tower Burger is just 6 burgers. It's not really 1 burger, but the Japanese are so smart to market it like that haha. Not bad for $29 USD in Japan for 6 burgers:

* Bacon egg cheeseburger
* Cheeseburger with two slices of cheese and mustard
* Pineapple burger with tomato and teriyaki sauce
* Cheeseburger with two slices of cheese, pickle, onion, and mustard
* Spam burger
* Chicken burger

All of those sounded pretty good... i want a burger now. nom!

Kanye West vs Taylor Swift

wow... i really should've watched the MTV VMA's last night... everyone is talking about kanye west! Is it just me, or does he always do some dickhead thing at the vmas?

I was watching the morning news, and they even mentioned the horrible thing that kanye west did at the VMA's, so that made me curious! I had to youtube it.

**EDIT** Darn, the video I posted was taken off.. :(

anyways, basic gist is, taylor swift won an award, and while she was accepting, kanye goes up on stage and takes the mike from her. He then proceeds to tell beyonce that she was robbed and her video was the best video ever! jerk stole taylor's time and basically was saying she didn't deserve to win.

man... he didnt even lose and he acts like a sore loser! It was for best FEMALE video... my guess is he was trying to kiss jay-z and beyonce's ass with his outburst. such a mean mean man to sweet angelic taylor swift!

When I youtubed this, I saw his breakdown at another VMAs show! such a sore loser... he's screwed now... everyone hates him. lol congratulations kanye, you might be more hated than chris brown now.

I love Beyonce though, she was so gracious when she won Best Video of the Year! She let Taylor Swift have her time. Since the youtube video was taken off, the gist is, Beyonce was making her acceptance speech and saying that she remembers being 17 and at the VMA's with Destiny Child winning their first award... and she wanted to give Taylor her time. So nice!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

10,000 ways to wear the drapey sweater

Last week Momo and I went to SF to score some Ike's sandwich as seen on Man vs. Food; and took a walk on Haight St. and found this awesome clothing store Ambiance. I looked up their site and found the coolest video ever!
I am so buying one of these sweaters.. the billion ways to wear them makes it such a value purchase. This will totally grind Momo.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Beatles Rockband

Quite possibly the most obvious and awesomest idea ever! On sale in-stores at Microcenter for only $39.99! Nice, since it just released yesterday and is normally $59.99.

Song list:

Please Please Me (1963)
    I Saw Her Standing There
    Do You Want to Know a Secret?
    Twist and Shout
With the Beatles (1963)
    I Wanna Be Your Man
A Hard Day's Night (1964)
    A Hard Day's Night
    Can't Buy Me Love
Beatles For Sale (1964)
    Eight Days a Week
Help! (1965)
    Ticket to Ride
Rubber Soul (1965)
    Drive My Car
    I'm Looking Through You

    If I Needed Someone
Revolver (1966)
    Yellow Submarine

    And Your Bird Can Sing
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (1967)
    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club/With a Little Help from My Friends
    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
    Getting Better

    Good Morning Good Morning
Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
    I Am the Walrus
    Hello Goodbye
The Beatles White Album (1968)
    Dear Prudence
    Back in the U.S.S.R.
    While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    Helter Skelter
Yellow Submarine (1969)
    Hey Bulldog
Abbey Road (1969)
    Come Together
    Octopus' Garden
    I Want You (She's So Heavy)
    Here Comes the Sun
Let It Be (1970)
    Dig a Pony
    I Me Mine

    I've Got a Feeling
    Get Back
Love (2006)
    Within You/Tomorrow Never Knows

Plus, if you get the xbox 360 version, there's a bonus song, "All you need is love" :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

6CUK759 the license plate of the woman that really grinds my gears.

first off, i have given in to jasmine's blog idea of "what grinds momo". haha i've never used blogger before, as i've been a xanga user since 2002... (dang 7 years...) so hopefully i can successfully complete this post... :P xanga's new interface actually really grinds my gears... but that's a whole other post...

anyways, back to what grinds momo... and this post is about something that grinds momo in a bad way. haha so, i went to the Super Band concert yesterday... with my parents... yes, yes i did. i am a 26 yr old girl that attended a rock concert with her parents. The Super Band is a compilation of 4 chinese superstar singers. They're each individually successful artists and they created this tour/band... the singer of my favorite chinese song, a-yue, is in it... he's the drummer... omg drummers are so hot. A-yue was really great in concert. he grinds me in a good way haha He played my favorite song (ai wo bie zhou) as well as a lot of favorites from his old album... i thought it was kind of odd though, he didn't play any songs from his newest album, but i'm guessing he was trying to cater to the older audience that was there.

so, a-yue is the youngest and the hippest, which i think all the young people went to the concert for... the rest of the members are like in their 40s and 50s, so they have an older crowd following... it was pretty interesting being in such a mixed concert. it was funny when the camera panned at the audience and you can see certain sections waving glowsticks and waving, while the older men and women were just chilling in their seats haha

so here's a little mini-grind...
in a bad way, before i get into what grinds momo in today's post... the guy next to me was yelling (not singing, though i think he thought that's what he was doing) in my freaking ear to almost every freaking song! it was like he wanted to be the one in concert -_- omg he was yelling the words and it sounded soooo bad..... it was so loud i was having trouble hearing the actual artists performing!! plus, he wasn't even singing/yelling the right lines at certain parts and sometimes he would sing/yell the line before or after the artist.. omg it was so annoying... the good thing was, he was an older man, so he didn't ruin a-yue's songs for me... but seriously, why!?!! i mean, its fine if people want to sing along to their favorite songs at a concert, but can you not YELL in my freaking ear?!? i came to the concert to hear a-yue, not you, jerk.

ok anyways, i guess its just when there's a huge crowd of chinese people, you're bound to encounter a rude person.... so first is the guy yelling in my ear the whole concert, and 2nd is the freaking bitch. so, when the concert was over, everyone's in the same parking garage at sjsu... and if you've ever been to an event there, you know there's like only a couple of exits and all these cars are trying to leave at the same time and merge into single file out of each of these exits. its like this at any concert, any event. u just expect to have to wait in line, and whenever lanes are merging into one, its common courtesy for one car in each lane to go at a time.

so, we were in the car and this bitch in this white car was in the other lane... so we were competing to merge into the same lane. however, it was our turn to get into the single file line, because the person in front of her had merged into the lane, so naturally it was our turn next. it was super crowded, everyone's waiting to get out of this parking garage... so you have to understand that everyone wants out, so its only proper to follow common courtesy of letting people in as we all merge together.... i cant stress this enough!! i don't understand what is so hard about complying with common courtesy. ok, so this lady was inching right up behind the guy in front of her... so my dad honked at her to let her know that it was his turn, and that he'd be merging in.... the lady rolled down her window and was like "oh, you want to come in? fine, go ahead!"... but like in a condescending way... but whatever... we're like, ok so she's gona back off.

the car in front of her moved forward and she moved right ahead and was just inches from its back.... we were surprised! didnt she just say we could merge in?!? i told my dad just to turn in closer to the car we were supposed to merge in behind.... but the lady just moved closer, and she turned to us and gave us one of those fuck you smiles... u know? the ones that are like super fake... its like a forced smile but her eyes were like laughing at us for not getting in in front of her. omg i wanted to get out and clock the bitch. but my dad was too nice and just let it slide... but that really grinds my gears!! its just general politeness to take turns... and come on, by not letting one car get in front of you, how much time does that really save you? haha it was funny because my mom's friend was in the car too, and she was like, let's give her the middle finger! hahaha a woman in her late 50s giving the finger to a deserving bitch is awesome. anyways, if anyone ever sees a white car with license plate 6CUK759, the bitch driving really grinds my gears (in a very bad way). punch her in the neck.


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