Tuesday, September 8, 2009


...is the license plate of the woman that really grinds my gears.

first off, i have given in to jasmine's blog idea of "what grinds momo". haha i've never used blogger before, as i've been a xanga user since 2002... (dang 7 years...) so hopefully i can successfully complete this post... :P xanga's new interface actually really grinds my gears... but that's a whole other post...

anyways, back to what grinds momo... and this post is about something that grinds momo in a bad way. haha so, i went to the Super Band concert yesterday... with my parents... yes, yes i did. i am a 26 yr old girl that attended a rock concert with her parents. The Super Band is a compilation of 4 chinese superstar singers. They're each individually successful artists and they created this tour/band... the singer of my favorite chinese song, a-yue, is in it... he's the drummer... omg drummers are so hot. A-yue was really great in concert. he grinds me in a good way haha He played my favorite song (ai wo bie zhou) as well as a lot of favorites from his old album... i thought it was kind of odd though, he didn't play any songs from his newest album, but i'm guessing he was trying to cater to the older audience that was there.

so, a-yue is the youngest and the hippest, which i think all the young people went to the concert for... the rest of the members are like in their 40s and 50s, so they have an older crowd following... it was pretty interesting being in such a mixed concert. it was funny when the camera panned at the audience and you can see certain sections waving glowsticks and waving, while the older men and women were just chilling in their seats haha

so here's a little mini-grind...
in a bad way, before i get into what grinds momo in today's post... the guy next to me was yelling (not singing, though i think he thought that's what he was doing) in my freaking ear to almost every freaking song! it was like he wanted to be the one in concert -_- omg he was yelling the words and it sounded soooo bad..... it was so loud i was having trouble hearing the actual artists performing!! plus, he wasn't even singing/yelling the right lines at certain parts and sometimes he would sing/yell the line before or after the artist.. omg it was so annoying... the good thing was, he was an older man, so he didn't ruin a-yue's songs for me... but seriously, why!?!! i mean, its fine if people want to sing along to their favorite songs at a concert, but can you not YELL in my freaking ear?!? i came to the concert to hear a-yue, not you, jerk.

ok anyways, i guess its just when there's a huge crowd of chinese people, you're bound to encounter a rude person.... so first is the guy yelling in my ear the whole concert, and 2nd is the freaking bitch. so, when the concert was over, everyone's in the same parking garage at sjsu... and if you've ever been to an event there, you know there's like only a couple of exits and all these cars are trying to leave at the same time and merge into single file out of each of these exits. its like this at any concert, any event. u just expect to have to wait in line, and whenever lanes are merging into one, its common courtesy for one car in each lane to go at a time.

so, we were in the car and this bitch in this white car was in the other lane... so we were competing to merge into the same lane. however, it was our turn to get into the single file line, because the person in front of her had merged into the lane, so naturally it was our turn next. it was super crowded, everyone's waiting to get out of this parking garage... so you have to understand that everyone wants out, so its only proper to follow common courtesy of letting people in as we all merge together.... i cant stress this enough!! i don't understand what is so hard about complying with common courtesy. ok, so this lady was inching right up behind the guy in front of her... so my dad honked at her to let her know that it was his turn, and that he'd be merging in.... the lady rolled down her window and was like "oh, you want to come in? fine, go ahead!"... but like in a condescending way... but whatever... we're like, ok so she's gona back off.

the car in front of her moved forward and she moved right ahead and was just inches from its back.... we were surprised! didnt she just say we could merge in?!? i told my dad just to turn in closer to the car we were supposed to merge in behind.... but the lady just moved closer, and she turned to us and gave us one of those fuck you smiles... u know? the ones that are like super fake... its like a forced smile but her eyes were like laughing at us for not getting in in front of her. omg i wanted to get out and clock the bitch. but my dad was too nice and just let it slide... but that really grinds my gears!! its just general politeness to take turns... and come on, by not letting one car get in front of you, how much time does that really save you? haha it was funny because my mom's friend was in the car too, and she was like, let's give her the middle finger! hahaha a woman in her late 50s giving the finger to a deserving bitch is awesome. anyways, if anyone ever sees a white car with license plate 6CUK759, the bitch driving really grinds my gears (in a very bad way). punch her in the neck.


The Kwan on September 9, 2009 at 9:36 AM said...

i want to grind momo's gears.... hehe.

Jas on September 13, 2009 at 12:41 AM said...

P8511. that's the license plate of the taxi that tried to charge david lin and i extra money because we were american kids. this was from 1999/2000. we'll never forget these license plate #'s!

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