Friday, January 29, 2010

Igloo Inuit

I'm leaving for the weekend with Lisa and some friends to go up to Carson Pass (CA/NV) to go snow camping!!! The plan is to build igloos in the snow and sleep in them! It sounded like a good idea at the time...

Inspiration from:

What am I getting myself into!? Plan will be to go up to the Tahoe strip and stay in a hotel Friday night (will be gambling) and then head to Meiss Meadow/Carson Pass early to build our igloos! Apparently it takes inuits 30 min to build their igloos... we are estimating 4 hrs for ourselves which might be a little too confident in our abilities in the freezing snow haha

I'm counting on these to save my life...

Hopefully I'll make it back to tell the tale!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mona Lisa and da Vinci the same person?

In the news today, apparently a group of historians have a theory that Leonardo da Vinci was a homosexual and his painting of Mona Lisa is actually himself in drag. They want to exhume his body and compare the skull structures...

interesting theory... who pays these people?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A-Z FOOD Mission

Ok, so I've given this some thought and I have come up with a mission for myself this year. I read a lot of food blogs and I want to make everything!! Sometimes I just don't know where to start! I usually tend to pick to make things that are simple and need a few ingredients (plus I cheat a lot with my ingredients). So, I've decided that my goal this year will be to attempt to make a dish that begins with every letter of the alphabet. I will devote 2 weeks to each letter, which will give me all 26 letters for the year (52 weeks in a year divided by 2). My goal is to make 1 dish during those 2 weeks pertaining to the theme letter, but try to make as many as I can (I'm a single woman, so it takes me forever to eat the stuff I make .. maybe I need more friends to help!).

Unfortunately, I have self-diagnosed myself with A.D.D., so I tend to lose interest or switch gears easily... hopefully the pressure of doing this on a blog will keep me in check!

A - Feb 1 - Feb 14
B - Feb 15 - Feb 28
C - Mar 1 - Mar 14
D - Mar 15 - Mar 28
E - Mar 29 - Apr 11
F - Apr 12 - Apr 25
G - Apr 26 - May 9
H - May 10 - May 23
I - May 24 - Jun 6
J - Jun 7 - Jun 20
K - Jun 21 - Jul 4
L - Jul 5 - Jul 18
M - Jul 19 - Aug 1
N - Aug 2 - Aug 15
O - Aug 16 - Aug 29
P - Aug 30 - Sept 12
Q - Sept 13 - Sept 26
R - Sept 27 - Oct 10
S - Oct 11 - Oct 24
T - Oct 25 - Nov 7
U - Nov 8 - Nov 21
V - Nov 22 - Dec 5
W - Dec 6 - Dec 19
X - Dec 20 - Jan 2, 2011
Y - Jan 3, 2011 - Jan 16, 2011
Z - Jan 17, 2011 - Jan 30, 2011

wth am I going to make that starts with 'X'?! Oh well, I'll worry about that in 11 months haha. I might not even make it past 'E'! haha this will be an interesting year...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Shake Weight

Is it just me... or is this infomercial especially hilarious and seemingly ignorant...?

haha I really want one... to tone my arms...! really.

this shake "workout" instrument is a good grind in my book (bad choice of words i know, but this blog is called what grinds momo)...

*** UPDATE! ***
haha I found this on youtube... Ellen agrees with me! haha I know what everyone's getting for xmas this year! haha

Friday, January 22, 2010

Conando and the Masturbating Bear

So, tonight is the last episode of The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. It's so sad... I hope Conan gets another show... he's hilarious and he got seriously screwed. It's also really sad for The Tonight Show franchise.

I am officially boycotting The Tonight Show with Jay Leno ... even if he becomes super hilarious and super awesome... i will boycott. Jay Leno really grinds my gears! he was so-so before, but now i boo him. It's pretty sad for NBC too (but im not feeling sorry for them) if you think about it... NBC is left with Jay Leno (everyone hates him now), Jimmy Fallon (not funny), and Carson Daly (forgotten) ... wtf were they thinking to lose Conan!!!

He brought us such greats as...


The Masturbating Bear

The Year 2000!

The Bugatti Veyron Mouse

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

... and so much more! I hope NBC doesn't own the rights to these characters... I hope there's more to come!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mandarin Oriental Art?

So, during my recent trip to Las Vegas, we encountered this "piece" in the Mandarin Oriental mall... at first, I thought it looked interesting. Then, my bf asked if they were tampons...? It looks like tampons doesn't it? I had to take a picture after we made that realization! haha I had to laugh too, because a lot of people were standing in front of it taking pictures of themselves with...


i was amused (i'm so immature), so I thought I'd share in case anyone is going to Vegas anytime soon... haha

P.S. the Mandarin Oriental is the new high end shopping "mall" that opened in front of the new Aria hotel and city center. I personally think they just named the "mall" the Mandarin Oriental because asian people like to gamble haha

P.P.S. I categorize this as a good grind. Tampon art grinds me in a good way (oh man, we need to change the name of this blog).


Just wanted to say, I'm on Team Conan! I think he's hilarious! I would tune in to watch him over Jay Leno anyday...

I watched him today, and I was a little shocked at how many jabs at NBC he took, but he seems hurt and angry... rightfully so.

I'm gona respond to his ad...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's 2010! I can't believe it! It's been 10 years since I graduated high school!! It's been 10 years since the big y2k scare... which, by the way, I heard some German bank had a similar problem when the year became 2010. It's been 10 years since Britney Spears released Oops! I did it again... (pre-crazy). It's been 10 years since Madonna married Guy Ritchie...

Anyways, its been such a busy December!! I have a lot to post about!! In the past month, I've traveled to France, came home for Xmas, spent some time in Vegas, then rang in the new year in LA. I think 2009 was a good year, and I have high hopes for 2010 :)

I hope to have time to go into detail on some of my adventures... here's just a taste! :)

I was pretty excited to get to see the real Mona Lisa in person at the Louvre in Paris.... but I was surprised at how small it was!! Apparently, so many attempts have been made to steal it that every time thieves cut her out of her frame, the painting gets smaller and they have to put her in a new frame... soon there won't be much left!! Also, kinda sucks, but its understandable, she's behind this big glass layer, so there are reflections when I try to take a picture haha

I saw these guys in Vegas, and I had to laugh... I've never seen advertising like this... so high tech! Not as exciting and sign flipping, but still turns heads.

So on NYE, we went to eat kbbq in Ktown in LA, and I was grossed out by this choice of meat... apparently its delicious.... but i stuck to my ssam gyup sal and kalbi, thanks.

Also, I'm reading Julie & Julia... the book that made the movie... its pretty cool because the book is based on the actual blog that Julie Powell wrote! Pretty cool, because there's a slight chance a lot of the events are real! I am enjoying the book... she writes in a pretty witty way, but I'm very disappointed in the blog. What's a food blog without pictures?!? Here's a link to the blog if you're interested in checking it out...

I think I should do something like that... a blog with a mission.... any ideas?!

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