Friday, January 29, 2010

Igloo Inuit

I'm leaving for the weekend with Lisa and some friends to go up to Carson Pass (CA/NV) to go snow camping!!! The plan is to build igloos in the snow and sleep in them! It sounded like a good idea at the time...

Inspiration from:

What am I getting myself into!? Plan will be to go up to the Tahoe strip and stay in a hotel Friday night (will be gambling) and then head to Meiss Meadow/Carson Pass early to build our igloos! Apparently it takes inuits 30 min to build their igloos... we are estimating 4 hrs for ourselves which might be a little too confident in our abilities in the freezing snow haha

I'm counting on these to save my life...

Hopefully I'll make it back to tell the tale!


Unknown on January 31, 2010 at 1:25 PM said...

Phew, they're disposable! Because damn, they're gonna stank when you're done with them. I hope all goes well and you return with all your digits intact. :]

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