Monday, January 25, 2010

A-Z FOOD Mission

Ok, so I've given this some thought and I have come up with a mission for myself this year. I read a lot of food blogs and I want to make everything!! Sometimes I just don't know where to start! I usually tend to pick to make things that are simple and need a few ingredients (plus I cheat a lot with my ingredients). So, I've decided that my goal this year will be to attempt to make a dish that begins with every letter of the alphabet. I will devote 2 weeks to each letter, which will give me all 26 letters for the year (52 weeks in a year divided by 2). My goal is to make 1 dish during those 2 weeks pertaining to the theme letter, but try to make as many as I can (I'm a single woman, so it takes me forever to eat the stuff I make .. maybe I need more friends to help!).

Unfortunately, I have self-diagnosed myself with A.D.D., so I tend to lose interest or switch gears easily... hopefully the pressure of doing this on a blog will keep me in check!

A - Feb 1 - Feb 14
B - Feb 15 - Feb 28
C - Mar 1 - Mar 14
D - Mar 15 - Mar 28
E - Mar 29 - Apr 11
F - Apr 12 - Apr 25
G - Apr 26 - May 9
H - May 10 - May 23
I - May 24 - Jun 6
J - Jun 7 - Jun 20
K - Jun 21 - Jul 4
L - Jul 5 - Jul 18
M - Jul 19 - Aug 1
N - Aug 2 - Aug 15
O - Aug 16 - Aug 29
P - Aug 30 - Sept 12
Q - Sept 13 - Sept 26
R - Sept 27 - Oct 10
S - Oct 11 - Oct 24
T - Oct 25 - Nov 7
U - Nov 8 - Nov 21
V - Nov 22 - Dec 5
W - Dec 6 - Dec 19
X - Dec 20 - Jan 2, 2011
Y - Jan 3, 2011 - Jan 16, 2011
Z - Jan 17, 2011 - Jan 30, 2011

wth am I going to make that starts with 'X'?! Oh well, I'll worry about that in 11 months haha. I might not even make it past 'E'! haha this will be an interesting year...


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